University of South Wales
How the Official Rep feature of UPP Unlimited is helping University of South Wales with their understanding of students' mindset and anxieties.

The ask
University of South Wales has worked with The Student Room through many applicant cycles. They recently upgraded to UPP Unlimited which enables them to take an active role in conversations about their university on site through Official Reps.
How they have found the package so far
"As a Social Media Manager, I’m used to dealing with questions through inbound social and replying to public comments. But more often than not the student has to proactively seek us out for this. So, it’s been an eye-opening experience to discover conversations about applications unfolding in real-time on The Student Room.
It was particularly rewarding on A Level Results Day to hone in on the stressed messages, providing support and changing minds. I was able to push people into a new awareness of things like foundation years and courses which accept their grades, both viable alternatives to resitting the year which was a hot topic across various threads. The subject specific threads have also been very useful, where I have been able to pinpoint students searching for entry routes into Law and Medicine. USW offers unique opportunities for these subject areas and I was able to communicate it directly to the audience searching for it.
The conversations that we’re monitoring now show just how much movement there is in this crucial point for September 2025 entry. There are students openly changing their mind about which subjects they’re choosing for AS and A Levels based on their results. It’s given me a better understanding of their mindset, anxieties, and when they want to know about specific areas in the UCAS cycle. Their conversations inform us, which enables us as a university to better advise them through tailored content."
Samantha Ellis, Social Media Manager, University of South Wales