Terms and conditions

Welcome to The Student Room Group Ltd. We (The Student Room Group Ltd) aim to provide our clients with the highest quality of service. Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully as they govern your use of our services. By signing our Service Agreement or by using our services, you (the subscriber and/or advertiser or designated agency for said subscriber and/or advertiser) agree to these terms.

General Terms

1. Amendments to Products

1.1 We reserve the right to amend existing products to improve the user experience and/or commercial performance. Significant changes will be communicated to you in advance.

2. Invoices

2.1 Invoices will be issued in full at the start date of the subscription or campaign.
2.2 All invoices are to be paid within 30 days of the invoice date by bank transfer.
2.3 All prices are in GBP.
2.4 VAT will be applied to the final cost unless you are VAT exempt (a VAT exemption form or certificate will be required as proof of status when you sign your Service Agreement). Note that VAT must be applied to direct email and SMS sends even if you are VAT exempt as per HMRC.
2.5 We reserve the right to charge overdue accounts at the rate of 3% of the overdue debt per month.
2.6 We reserve the right not to set further campaigns live for any client who has outstanding overdue payments.
2.7 Similarly, we reserve the right to suspend services in relation to the outstanding debt until payment has been received.

3. Notification of Changes

3.1 It is your responsibility to notify us within 30 days of appointing a new agency. CAMPUS Lens™ access granted to your current agency will be cancelled upon change.
3.2 It is your responsibility to notify us promptly if you make any changes that may be deemed to affect data protection laws.
3.3 It is your responsibility to notify us promptly if your primary contact email address changes (to receive subscription renewal notifications, price change notifications etc.)

4. Force Majeure

4.1 Uncontrollable Events: Neither party is liable for delays or defaults caused by conditions beyond their control (e.g. natural disasters, internet outages, third-party downtime and/or unforeseen changes in resources). Reasonable efforts will be made to recommend alternative arrangements or provide pro-rata reductions.
4.2 CAMPUS Lens™ Outage: In the event that our platform becomes temporarily unavailable, we will make reasonable efforts to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. If the outage significantly impacts the delivery of your services, reasonable efforts will be made to recommend alternative arrangements or provide pro- rata reductions.

5. Indemnification

5.1 Indemnity Limit: The maximum indemnity payment by us or the client will be the full value of the Service Agreement.
5.2 Our Indemnity: We will indemnify the client and their affiliates for any losses due to our breach of the agreement, improper ad display, or if our materials violate third-party rights or laws, except when the issue is due to the client’s specific instructions or approval of materials they knew were problematic.
5.3 Client’s Indemnity: The client will indemnify us and our affiliates for any losses due to their breach of the agreement, policy violations, or issues with the content of their ads that we used according to the agreement, including third-party rights violations or legal issues.
5.4 Agency’s Authority: The agency confirms it has the authority to bind the client to these terms and will indemnify us for any losses if this is not true.
5.5 Indemnification Process: If a claim arises, the indemnified party must promptly notify the indemnifying party, cooperate in the defence, and can participate in the defence at their own expense. The indemnifying party controls the defence and settlement but cannot agree to anything that negatively affects the indemnified party without consent.
5.6 Related Party Claims: If indemnifying a related party, the indemnifying party’s liability is limited to foreseeable losses related to the specific contractual relationship.

6. Limitation of Liability

6.1 Exclusions: Neither party is liable for consequential, indirect, incidental, or punitive damages.
6.2 Strategic decisions: Strategic decisions made by you based on how you have interpreted data presented within CAMPUS Lens™ is your responsibility and The Student Room Group Ltd cannot be held liable for any resulting negative outcomes whether qualitative such as reputation or quantitative such as financial.

7. Non-Disclosure, Data Ownership, Privacy, and Laws

7.1 Confidential Information: Both parties must keep confidential information private and only use it for the purposes outlined in this agreement.
7.2 Data Privacy: When processing personal data for any part of this agreement and associated service agreements, both parties must adhere to the policies in their public privacy notices and follow all applicable law and codes of practice covering data protecting, including, but not limited to, the Data Protection Act 2018 and any legislation which succeeds that Act.
7.3 Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England & Wales.

Subscription based products including University Partner Packs, Sponsorship Products and Other Products that are described as Auto-Renewing on the Service Agreement

These additional terms cover all our University Partner Packs including UPP Unlimited and UPP Standard (including Bolt-Ons if applicable)

8. Subscription Basis

All University Partner Packs are subscription-based services charged once yearly.

9. Term

9.1 Depending on the product you have selected the initial term will either end after 1 or 2 years. At the end of the term, you will automatically subscribe to a 1 year rolling agreement.
9.2 If after your initial minimum term, you would prefer to secure a lower price by making another 2 year commitment, then you can opt to sign a new 2 year agreement which will automatically supersede this agreement.

10. Automatic Renewal

10.1 These subscriptions automatically renew unless we are notified in advance (see 12. Cancellation Policy below).

11. Annual Price Increase

11.1 Auto renewals may be subject to an annual price increase. Any increase in price will be communicated to you by 31st January each year, with the price increase to take effect 6 months later by 31st July.

12. Cancellation Policy

12.1 To cancel your subscription, please contact us in writing at least 60 days before your renewal date. If we do not receive timely notice, the subscription will automatically renew. Send your cancellation notice to terminations@thestudentroom.com with the subject “Subscription Cancellation”.

13. Safeguarding Policy

13.1 By using our Official Rep accounts, you agree to adhere to the Official Rep Safeguarding Policy
13.2 Official Reps will be trained upon account initiation however we recommend you refresh your training regularly. You can register for training here

13.3 Data Sharing Agreement: To enable the sharing of lead data a Data Sharing Agreement must be agreed to, signed and returned (via DocuSign much like the Service Agreement). This will be issued separately once the Service Agreement is signed. The signed data sharing agreement will then form a full part of these terms and conditions.

14. Additional purchases

You may wish to buy other products from The Student Room Group. Additional products such as advertising/marketing campaigns, or bolt-ons will be arranged under separate agreement(s).

Campaign Terms (non-subscription based products)

15. Service Agreements and Inventory Availability

15.1 Negotiation: Service Agreements are negotiated to deliver the products agreed upon by both parties. These products can be delivered by/on The Student Room Group sites and/or by/on third-parties. Service Agreements must be accepted in writing and each Service Agreement will specify:

  • Type and quantity of inventory (e.g. impressions)
  • Prices (in GBP and before VAT if applicable)
  • Start and end dates
  • Your contact information
  • Order number

15.2 Inventory Notification: We will notify you within two business days if inventory is unavailable.
15.3 Revisions: Changes to accepted Service Agreements must be made in writing and acknowledged by both parties. This could include changes in campaign scope or targeting.

16. Placements, Positioning and Delivery

16.1 Compliance: We will follow the Service Agreements requirements for all products, including placements, positioning and delivery. Exceptions must be approved in writing.
16.2 Site Changes: We reserve the right to amend existing products to improve user experience and/or commercial performance for our customers. Significant changes will be communicated to you in advance.
16.3 Technical Specifications: Product specifications will be provided within two business days of Service Agreement acceptance; should these change during your campaign you will be notified as soon as they become available and/or 5 business days before the affected product is due to go live. Product specifications can also be found here at any time and will be the most up to date specifications Product Specifications

17. Cancellation and Termination

17.1 Service Agreements cannot be cancelled once signed and returned by you.

18. Materials

18.1 Submission: You must submit materials as per our specifications. Late materials may affect campaign performance and are your responsibility.
18.2 Right to Reject: We reserve the right to reject materials that do not comply with our policies or are otherwise unacceptable. We will notify you of such issues within two business days.
18.3 Setup: If materials are not provided on time, we reserve the right to either repurpose old materials or start work on the campaign by setting up announcements on site, building and/or acquiring audiences, creating shell campaigns and/or any other activity deemed as appropriate rendering the campaign live.
18.4 Right to invoice: We will make every effort to start the campaign and deliver as per the agreed schedule. However, in the event that we receive materials late and/or we have attempted to start the campaign as per the above actions in 18.3 it is possible the campaign will not achieve expected benchmarks. We will make every effort to make good however you will be expected to pay the invoice in full.

19. Makegoods

19.1 Under-Delivery: Assuming you have shared materials on time and to the required specification yet there is an under delivery; we will notify you of the details and arrange makegoods.
19.2 Additional inventory: We may provide bonus inventory at no extra charge unless otherwise specified.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, please contact your sales representative or finance@thestudentroom.com

Thank you for choosing The Student Room. We look forward to working with you.

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