The Uni Guide

[Tech Specs]

Below you'll find the specs you need to supply to go live.

The Uni Guide (TUG)

In order to set up your lead buttons on The Uni Guide please provide the below and send to
All assets must be supplied at least 3 working days prior to the go live date. This will ensure your campaign begins on the agreed start date. If any assets are received late it will affect delivery and/or performance.


Briefing Document - Leads

Must be supplied at least 3 working days before the live date.
Please read this doc carefully and supply information for all the sections.
Download leads briefing doc here >>>

Briefing Document - Guide edits

If you have any amends you'd like to your guide please return this doc and supply any relevant images in the spec below.
This doc must be supplied at least 3 working days before the live date.
Please read this doc carefully and supply information for all the sections.
Download guide edits briefing doc here >>>

Top banner image
W:2000px H:277px (minimum, can be larger)
Max file size: 2mb
Available as: .PNG or .JPEG

W:400px H:200px
Max file size: 2mb
Available as: .PNG only, with a transparent background

Gallery images (bottom of page)
You can supply up to six images
W:1280px H:460px
Max file size: 2mb
Available as: .PNG or .JPEG

Please note, failure to meet the technical specifications could mean we are unable to run the campaign. If this happens, it will be returned with a request to update and meet the specifications.

Have a question about your campaign?

Get in touch