How TSR Insight helped UCL gather feedback from prospective students on a proposed new course

The ask

UCL wanted to test and develop a proposed course with prospective students.

They wanted to evaluate the appeal of various aspects and features of the course content amongst the target audience to support the final development of the course and fine-tune the marketing messages.

The solution

TSR Insight was commissioned to deliver and moderate an online qualitative bulletin board with members of the target audience for the course. 

The bulletin board ran for five days with participants logging in each day to review materials, give feedback, complete tasks and respond to follow-up questions. Moderators prompted for more detail and follow-up questions. 

The prospective students fully engaged with the methodology, giving thorough and insightful daily feedback to each topic and the moderator follow-ups. 

Key stakeholders were able to observe the discussions unfold over the course of the week. 

The findings, insights and recommendations were delivered via both a report and an online debrief presentation with the stakeholder team at UCL.

"responsive, helpful and a pleasure to work with throughout the project"- UCL

The value

The research enabled the stakeholder team to fine-tune the programme content and develop key marketing messages to maximise appeal to the target audience prior to launch.

What was your experience of working with The Student Room and TSR Insight?

“We were impressed by TSR Insight’s thoroughness and attention to detail in responding to our initial brief. We found them to be responsive, helpful and a pleasure to work with throughout the project. The bulletin board worked well and it was particularly helpful for us to be able to dip in and out to see how things were going. The project was completed within a fairly tight timescale and the final report gave the stakeholder team a wealth of valuable insight to inform the programme development and launch.” 
- Lucinda Coleman, Faculty Marketing Manager

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