University of Liverpool

How TSR Insight helped the University of Liverpool investigate the impact of COVID on their applicant levels

The ask

The University of Liverpool wanted to explore current undergraduate applicant sentiment for their 2021 entry in light of COVID-19, with a broad target audience of prospective students interested in subjects offered by the university.

A draft survey had been written internally which focused on key objectives for the research and internal deadlines. This meant a quick turnaround was required.

The solution

TSR Insight worked closely with the university to develop and finalise the online survey and identify relevant profile questions to include. 

The survey was launched and promoted to the TSR community and received a high number of responses from the specific target audience of prospective undergraduate students. 

Raw data and data tables were provided within a day of the survey closing for quick internal analysis, followed by more detailed reporting within the week.

"we can trust them to provide us with the insight that we need"- University of Liverpool

The value

The quick turnaround of the survey gave the university time to consider how it might transform insights into action to influence 2021 recruitment and conversions.  

It provided short-term insight into the impact of the pandemic on applications, but also revealed important findings for more medium-term planning, e.g. within brand development.

What was your experience of working with The Student Room and TSR Insight?

“For me, one of the best things about working with TSR Insight is the personal touch, combined with the professionalism and expertise of an established organisation. TSR has worked hard to gain a real understanding of the specific needs of our institution, which saves a lot of time in commissioning work, and we can trust them to provide us with the insight that we need.” 
- Sarah Misson Head of Market Research and Insight (Student Recruitment)

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