Commercial Partnerships

Postgraduates: Who they are, what they want to hear and how to engage them

What are the reasons for students to stay in education after their undergraduate degree? What influences their decision to do a postgraduate degree? We’ve pulled key insights from activity on The Student Room to give you a unique window into students’ behaviour and motivations when it comes to postgraduate (PG) study.

GCSE Results Day – Infographic 2018

With over 500,000 users and 1.2 million page views it’s safe to say it’s been our biggest GCSE Results Day ever. Check out all the action and key stats you need to know from this year’s Results Day below.

A-Level Results Day 2018 – Infographic

With 561,000 users and 1.6 million page views it’s safe to say it’s been our biggest A-Level Results Day ever. Check out all the action and key stats you need to know from this year’s Results Day .

How Students are Feeling About Results Day 2018

With A-level Results Day today, students across the UK are experiencing an array of emotions from excitement to terror. Being the UK’s largest online student community, The Student Room delved into student sentiment to explore how they’re feeling about their results and the impact of receiving their grades.

Media Predictions – Results Day 2018

We were recently invited to attend an exam board briefing where we got the low down on this year’s anticipated media predictions for Results Day. We’re sharing key insights from our experience with you, so you can you can get a flavour of where the media interest lies and shape up your Results Day PR.

“Things I Wish I Knew When I was a Client During Clearing”

By Tony Lyons, Head of Commercial Marketing at TSR. “I suppose I’m becoming a little bit of an old hand at this Clearing thing; it’s hard to believe I’m on my third year at TSR and have experienced four in various roles at universities, including Head of Marketing.”

Are You Engaging with Pre-App Students Early Enough?

As open day season approaches, we turned to our community of over 10 million monthly users to understand students’ perceptions of these key conversion events, and how significant they are when deciding their next steps.

What No One Tells You About the Viewability of Your Ads

The very least advertisers should expect when they commission a campaign is that it will be seen. But in the competitive digital market too often this isn’t the case. Integral Ad Science report that as much as half of all advertising goes unseen, giving meticulously crafted messages little chance to connect.


Every marketer wants to squeeze maximum value from their budget but buying cheap programmatic advertising is not always the way to do this. Ads will be served widely but not necessarily to the intended audience.


We surveyed a sample of over 1,000 students to understand their attitude towards university fee reform. This report shares key insights into the narrowing of provision, commercialisation of universities and student purchase rationale.


We surveyed over 1,100 respondents to understand student spending habits and give you a unique insight into what they purchase in preparation for university.