Targeted packages for postgraduate attraction campaigns

Reach your desired audience at a time when they are actively researching their further study options.

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Packages built around timescales that work for you

Each package offers a monthly presence on The Student Room, built to support you in boosting awareness and enquiries into your postgraduate course offering.

Campaigns include an impactful mix of email, forum sponsorship and display impressions and are limited availability. The bundle discount is significant as you can save up to 34% compared to rate card. 

Choose your package

  • Display impressions
  • Billboard impressions for desktop display
  • PG Applications forum takeover
  • Targeted email sent to our opted in postgraduate applicant audience (circa 8,900)
  • Buying as a package saves you


£17,0003 month package
£17,0003 month package
  • 400,000
  • 200,000
  • 3 weeks (1 week per month)
  • Three emails
  • 34%


£11,0002 month package
£11,0002 month package
  • 200,000
  • 100,000
  • 2 weeks (1 week per month)
  • Two emails
  • 28%


£6,0001 month package
£6,0001 month package
  • 100,000
  • 50,000
  • 1 week
  • One email
  • 24%

What media the package includes

Brand awareness: Targeted impressions and billboards

All campaigns are highly targeted, meaning every impression makes a powerful impact on a receptive student audience. Find out more about display advertising.

Brand awareness: Forum sponsorship

This excellent brand awareness campaign lets you takeover the Postgraduate Applications forum with high-impact display. Find out more about forum sponsorship.

Direct response: Targeted email

Target 2024 applicants who have indicated an interest in further study to us. Find out more about email messaging.

Want to find out more about our postgrad packages?

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