covid-19 masks students

The financial fallout of covid-19 and what it means for your student recruitment

Nearly half of students are currently experiencing financial difficulties due to Covid-19, according to our latest poll.

The poll also revealed significant inequality in what students are experiencing, as over 13% said they have better financial opportunities as a result of the pandemic.

We’ve taken a look at some of the comments on The Student Room to find out how covid-19 is impacting young people financially today. We found three key themes across those who are struggling: graduate careers, accommodation, and finding part-time work while studying.

Xmas 2020

Christmas video 2020 from The Student Room

A special Christmas video message –  Thank you from The Student Room

Marcus (CEO), Amii (Commercial Operations Director) and Paul (Sales Director) have a message for you on behalf of Team TSR.

Students in class with masks

Student sentiment in 2020: insights and engagement strategies

More than ever before, students are looking to leaders and the government to solve the unprecedented challenges they are facing. Thanks to covid-19, their education and exams have been disrupted, their social lives have been all but shut-down at a time when they might have been forming life-long relationships, mental illness is on the rise, and it may be many years before the job market they are about to enter recovers. The picture for young people is pretty bleak, so they urgently need support and clarity about what their futures hold in store.

Student voices are always heard and valued on The Student Room. 75% of UK students use our platform, so we are in a great position to reflect how young people are thinking, feeling, and behaving to the powers that represent them in government and office.

So, how is the covid-19 pandemic affecting the younger generation? In this blog, we’ll cover current onsite behaviour trends and what these tell us about the key concerns for each age group. We’ll also delve into students’ views on the lockdown and on mental health provision.

Students in lockdown

Protecting your 2021 prospects: what to do about negative press

Universities have demonstrated incredible resilience, innovation and creativity in the face of national and worldwide lockdowns. Communication strategies have been reinvented, Open Days have gone virtual and lessons are taking place online. Yet the national press is sowing the seeds of discontent with sensationalist headlines about mass dropouts, students being locked into their campuses, and students suffering from social isolation or mental health issues.

So, how can you as marketing and recruitment protect your 2021 prospects? And is the threat of falling applicant and rising dropout numbers even real? Read our 6 top tips.

geotargeting for schools and colleges

The benefits of geotargeting for student recruitment

Choosing a school or college is a major decision for students and their parents. Single-parent households and households where both parents work full time are increasingly common, making the daily school run and childcare a big challenge for parents. Location has never been more important.

What is geotargeting?

Geotargeting is a kind of segmentation that allows you to advertise to an audience based on their geographical location.