Email templates for Clearing [Tech Specs]

For the best performance your emails should use one of our four templates. Please take a look at the templates below and send over the imagery as well as the completed copy.

Please note that all email creative is required ten working days prior to the send date. This is to ensure there is enough time to upload the content, run relevant quality checks, complete test sends and receive sign off.

Template 1

>> Click here to view full tech specs
Main section
Header image – 600px x 300px
Title – max 30 characters 
Copy – max 300 characters 
Call-to-action – max 20 characters

4 sections – Grid style
Subheadings – max 20 characters 
Copy – max 150 characters 

Title – max 30 characters 
Copy – max 300 characters 
Call-to-action – max 20 characters

Template 2

>> Click here to view full tech specs

Main section
Header image – 600px x 300px
Title – max 30 characters 
Copy – max 300 characters 
Call-to-action – max 20 characters

1 – 3 images – List style (450px x 300px)
Subheadings – max 30 characters 
Copy – max 150 characters 
Call-to-action – max 20 characters

Title – max 30 characters 
Copy – max 300 characters 
Call-to-action – max 20 characters

Template 3

>> Click here to view full tech specs

Main section
Header image – 600px x 300px
Title – max 30 characters 
Copy – max 300 characters 
Call-to-action – max 20 characters

1 – 4 sections – Grid style
Image – 450px x 300px
Subheadings – max 30 characters 
Copy – max 120 characters 
Call-to-action – max 20 characters
Image – 450px x 300px

Title – max 30 characters 
Copy – max 300 characters 
Call-to-action – max 20 characters

Template 4

>> Click here to view full tech specs

Main section
Header image – 600px x 300px
Title – max 30 characters 
Copy – max 300 characters 
Call-to-action – max 20 characters

2 sections – Images (450px x 450px)
Subheadings – max 30 characters 
Copy – max 180 characters 
Call-to-action – max 20 characters

Top tips for Clearing 2020

Calls to action buttons throughout. As over 75% of our emails are opened on a mobile device, calls to action much be big and clear – so make sure your buttons (steer away from text links where possible) are throughout the email.

Keep text to a minimum. Try as best you can to keep text short and punchy – keep it informative and engaging, with the aim to give much more information on the page you are linking to.

Split test subject lines many creatives as possible. Send us a number of subject lines (we recommend 2-4) and we will split test, ensuring the most successful test then receives more of the share.

Have a question about your campaign?

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