How do prospective 2023 and 2024 entry undergraduates feel about the cost of living?
TSR Asks monthly omnibus survey of prospective 2023 and 2024
entry undergraduates, aged 16+
Download our latest summary findings
By TSR Insight (part of The Student Room)
Base: 790 responses (6th – 8th May 2023)
At the start of the 2022/23 academic year we asked prospective undergraduates how they were feeling about the rising costs of living. Eight months on we revisited the topic to explore the impact on their decision making. Some of the key insights from the data include:
88% of prospective undergraduates were very or quite concerned about rising costs of living
73% of 2023 entry prospective undergraduates said their firm choice had been influenced in some way by the rising cost of living
- 28% said they were more likely to attend an online open day rather than in person
You can also download our original cost of living research from September 2022.