What motivates undergraduates to continue with further study? How should you adapt your messaging and creative for a postgraduate audience? What is an applicant’s biggest worry? We’re sharing the answers to your burning questions in our latest blog post. Check it out to uncover all the information you need to attract and engage your future applicants.
How to fill university places – Official Rep wins on A-Level Results Day
Find out how you can directly access the thousands of students seeking advice about University and why this is so useful.
Almost half of students are considering using self-release to apply through Clearing
Thousands of students across the UK are experiencing an array of emotions as they prepare to receive their A-Level results this week. As the UK’s largest online student community, we teamed up with TSR Insight, our market research consultancy service, to understand how Year 13 students are feeling about their results and what they anticipate to be their next steps to be.
Infographic: 5 simple strategies for Open Day success
Since the feedback from the webinar was so positive, we’re sharing five key takeaways to boost your Open Day success rate.
Don’t forget to request your free audience report.
Tia’s Blog: Improving Open Days – A Student’s Perspective
Going to university Open Days can be an overwhelming experience for students. For most, choosing a university is one of the biggest decisions they have ever had to make. Based on my experiences, I have compiled a list of fresh ideas which will reassure your applicants and in turn improve your Open Days.
Fill university places using human conversations
Real-life examples of university Official Reps using human conversations to connect with students, boost conversions and fill their university places. This blog provides advice and training on how to get the best results from your conversations. Read our top tips.
Student confidence for Results Day 2019
With the recent exam reform, it’s understandable students are anxious about how it will affect their grades, here’s what they said on The Student Room.
Media tips you need to survive Clearing
With the continued increase in students applying direct to Clearing, we understand how crucial this time of year is for students and universities alike. So, we’re sharing a few media secrets that will help you stand out, ease your workload and allow you to maximise on Clearing opportunities that clients can miss.
Did the influencer kill the role model star?– Who inspires gen Z?
Who is the modern-day role model? Are social influencers the new celebrity endorsers? Do young people really trust them? Explore the truth behind the power of influencers, how they make young people feel and identify who truly inspires and resonates with today’s gen z.
Podcast: The experts guide to youth marketing
In this podcast series, we will be speaking with our internal experts at The Student Room to bring you insights and tips from the UK’s largest online student forum to help you gain a more in-depth understanding across a multitude of areas when it comes to youth marketing.
Proof awareness content leads to conversion
For brands, freshers presents a crucial time of year for consumer activity. Thinking about your marketing activity early will enable you to maximise on the awareness stage and harness the power that organic brand awareness reaps when it comes to conversion.
Exam season is approaching – What does that mean for you?
Exam season is approaching which brings an influx of students using our study help tools to revise. The action starts now, last year our study help forums reached 5.2 million pageviews in April alone.