Event Direct Response. Guaranteed performance

Capture the heart of student decision-making with our Direct Response proposition

Holistic campaigns to boost performance

Open days play a pivotal role in the university decision-making journey. A TSR survey with Year 13 students* positioned them as the most useful information source behind Ucas and your own website.

Our new Direct Response solution gives you guaranteed performance and will amplify your brand awareness in the application window and drive sign-ups for your open days. Our approach utilises multiple channels of advertising, email, SMS and push notifications alongside enhanced audience targeting and optimisation tools, to maximise engagement with your open day campaign.

How it works

We recognise that all universities are different, and brand recognition can differ from institution to institution.

That’s why we’ll ‘warm up’ audiences based on their awareness level of your university, then deliver key event messaging at the time that’s right for them.


Cost-effective, performance driven

We’re mindful of the budget constraints we know universities often have for event promotion. These packages offer exceptional value for the reach of the campaign and start from 500+ guaranteed clicks.

open days

* TSR Insight survey April 2024.

Talk to us about Direct Response

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