
[Tech Specs]

Below you’ll find the format and sizes of the creative you need to supply us with.


Please provide us with your creative and the destination link (URL) you want your ad to go to.
All assets must be supplied at least 3 working days prior to the go live date. This will ensure your campaign begins on the agreed start date. If any assets are received late it will affect delivery and/or performance.
Once completed please send all assets on to clientservices@thestudentroom.com

Bottom Sheet

Image: W:300 px H:100 px  .PNG, .JPEG only
Logo: W:180px H:80px  .PNG, .JPEG only
Header: 25 characters inc spaces
Body: 90 characters inc spaces
CTA: 15 characters inc spaces
Tracked URL

Desktop version

Reply Style and App Ads

W:600px   H:600px 
(.PNG, .JPEG, .GIF with a max file size of 45kb)
Image may be rendered at 100x100px so please ensure any graphic or text is legible at that size.
Header: 25 characters inc spaces
Body: 90 characters inc spaces
CTA: 15 characters inc spaces
Tracked URL

1x Leaderboard (LB)

W:728 px H:90 px
Max file size 35kb
Available as: .PNG, .JPEG, .GIF or 3rd party tags
Tracked URL

1x Mobile leaderboard (MLB)

W:320 px H:50 px
Max file size 35kb
Available as: .PNG, .JPEG, .GIF or 3rd party tags
Tracked URL

1x Mid page unit (MPU)

W: 300 px H:250 px
Max file size 35kb
Available as: .PNG, .JPEG, .GIF or 3rd party tags
Tracked URL

1x Half page unit (HPU)

W:300 px H:600 px
Max file size 45kb
Available as: .PNG, .JPEG, .GIF or 3rd party tags
Tracked URL

Mobile version

Please note, failure to meet the technical specifications could mean we are unable to run the creative. If this happens, it will be returned with a request to update and meet the specifications.

Have a question about your campaign?

Get in touch