Student sentiment directly from our community

Our Student Sentiment updates provide a snapshot of the conversations young people are having on The Student Room. From these updates, you can read students’ own accounts of their thoughts, worries and experiences.

July 2024 sentiment deck

  • A third of students polled found exams harder than expected
  • Knowledge gaps still prevail on how Clearing works
  • 56% of students feel they have met or exceeded the grades they need for their university offer
  • Financial skills (such as taxes and budgeting) was cited as the top thing missing from the school curriculum by poll respondents
  • Clearing is the most popular Plan B for those not making the grades this summer
  • How knowledgeable are their parents/carers about the uni application process

Our Insight team have also recently released some exciting new results from our TSR Asks research, with topics including Year 11 after GCSEs: Making subject choices at A-Level (or equivalent), firm and insurance choice decision making and our latest cost of living summary. You can access these summaries on our Insight Report page.

June 2024

– How students plan to support themselves financially through university

– Main concern around A-level results is that they would miss their university offer

– 66% of Year 12 poll voters said they would be attending at least one open day over the summer

– 32% of students voted for in-person open days as their most favoured resource when it comes to researching universities

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February 2024

– Impact of the cost of living crisis
– Year 12: the help they need with making uni decisions
– Year 12 plans to attend Ucas fairs
– Over half of poll respondents still waiting to hear from some of their choices
– Who do prospective students trust to provide peer-to-peer support?

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May 2024

– 59% of Year 13 students have had all their offers back by end of April

– Cost of living is a significant concern for year 12’s

– Only 30% of Year 13 respondents planning to go to university in 2024 felt they knew a lot about Clearing

– We explore factors influencing prospective UGs’ choices and their information needs

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January 2024

– Students were apprehensive starting back for the new term
– Past papers top the chart on preferred revision methods
– Almost all 2024 entry prospective UGs had received guidance from their school or college on when to submit their UCAS application
– One quarter of Y12s and Y13s surveyed were interested in apprenticeships

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April 2024

– Year 13 students talk back-up plans

– Biggest worry for 2024 applicants is cost of living when starting uni

– Year 12s first port of call when researching their options is online research

– Year 11s are already factoring future employability into their course choice decisions

– We revisit the impact of Cost of Living on UG decision making

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December 2023

– Revision remained the key focus for Year 12& 13 students over Christmas
– Almost one in five first year students say they were considering leaving.
– 44% of respondents said they were interested in using podcasts to support their learning

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March 2024

– Student opinions on apprenticeships
– 34% of students had no idea how student finance worked – Two thirds of 2024 UG applicants surveyed favoured halls as their accommodation preference
– New TSR Insight summary on insurance choice decision making

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November 2023

– Students’ university accommodation searches

– Where students are at in their application process

– Growing interest in Degree Apprenticeships among Year 12 students

– Student to student experiences and discussions highly valued during the application process

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October 2023

– More than half of student lack confidence with money management
– 25% of students feel current A level structure should change
– Almost 75% of students polled are unaware what the TEF rating is
– Email is the most commonly preferred method of communication from universities by students

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Sept 2023

– A new academic year brings nervousness
– Money management and study skills are top areas students are looking for support in
– Student experiences of Clearing
– Nearly two fifths of surveys 2023 undergrads felt that events had been the most influential information when deciding which university to go to

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August 2023

– 25% of poll respondents were expecting to use Clearing due to missing their required results
– 57% of A-Level (and equivalent) students had grades lower than expected
– Students voted university league tables as the top decision maker in uni choice

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July 2023

– The majority of Year 13s felt they’d missed their grades for their university offer
– 73% of students’ summer plans are impacted by rising cost of living
– Over half of students feel financial skills are missing from the school curriculum
– Only 30% of Year 12s have been given information about future options in addition to university

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June 2023

– Majority of students think ChatGPT makes no difference to exams
– In person open days are the most helpful for Year 13s researching universities
– 73% of 2023 entry UG respondents had changed their firm choice plans due to the cost of living
– 77% felt the cost of living would impact their student experience at university

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May 2023

– Activity in exam season
– Making friends is the biggest concern for students starting uni
– How students will support themselves financially at uni
– How 2024 entry prospective undergraduate students are planning to use the holidays

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April 2023

– Improvements to climate change and cost of living dominate students’ hopes for the future
– Cost of living impacts 38% of students’ plans on where to go to university
– More than 80% of 2023 applicants had responses from three or more
universities in April

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March 2023

– Students share thoughts on using ChatGPT for their homework
– Year 12 share their extra curricular activities to support uni applications
– Top choices for university accommodation
– Past papers and mark schemes are the way most students like to revise

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