National Careers Service

Utilising their Official Rep, The National Careers Service were able to have direct, authentic communication with young people looking for advice.


The National Careers Service, an organisation that provides free, up-to-date, impartial information, advice on careers, skills and the labour market in England, were looking for ways to reach a wider student audience and encourage interaction whilst continuing to provide life-changing advice to young people.

They partnered up with The Student Room (TSR), the UK’s largest online student community, to discuss the innovative ways they could access and engage their huge youth audience.

We worked with the National Careers Service to set up an Official Rep: a TSR account allowing institutions to have direct and authentic communication with students, in a place where they are already asking questions, considering their options and researching their next steps. Sophie Graham, Education and Awareness Co-ordinator at the National Careers Service, commented:

“The flexibility of TSR allows the National Careers Service to be more visible to students at key times throughout the academic year. We have been able to support students going through their exams and with their next steps after school, college and university.”

Striving to deliver the best possible advice to all young people, the National Careers Service’s Official Rep has given them an extra digital dimension to do what they do best. It has provided them with an authentic voice in the student space, the ability to extend their reach and most importantly, a channel of communication to talk directly to young people in a trusted and genuine space.

“TSR provided the National Careers Service team with the training and support we needed to ensure we were delivering the best possible service to the students and parents that are actively seeking support about careers, education, employment and apprenticeships. This allowed us to tailor our approach to ensure we were using the right language and resources to support students moving forward.”

We helped the National Careers Service reach up to 20,000 students in just four months. This has allowed them to provide professional support and engage with a new and diverse audience seeking useful advice.

“TSR understood the aims and objectives of the National Careers Service and supported us to ensure we could empower individuals of all ages to achieve their goals. We have been able to reach almost 20,000 students in a short space of time which has been made possible with the support of the staff at TSR and their fantastic community team. They are always on hand to support us and our presence on TSR has given our service an extra digital dimension.

Our team is extremely pleased and proud of what we have been able to achieve on TSR in a short space of time. We hope that we are able to continue partnering with TSR long into the future as we have seen some fantastic outcomes and been able to genuinely support students from all over the country with their careers.”
– Education and Awareness Coordinator, National Careers Service

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