How do prospective 2023 and 2024 undergraduates feel about changes to the Student Finance arrangements?
TSR Asks monthly omnibus survey of prospective
2023 and 2024 entry undergraduates in England, aged 16+.
Download our latest summary findings
By TSR Insight (part of The Student Room)
Base: 706 responses (4th – 6th February 2023)
Some of the key insights from the data include:
- Sentiment towards student loan repayments was largely negative, with ‘confused’,
‘worried’ and ‘annoyed’ being most frequently mentioned. - 70% were aware that additional funding may be required, and while 62% expected additional support may come from family contributions, most (87%) expected to support their living costs through part‐time work.
- Day‐to‐day costs were more of a concern to prospective undergraduate respondents than future loan repayments.
- Almost all (95%) wanted information from universities regarding student finance; most often clarity around the costs associated with studying at the university (75%), information on scholarships and bursaries (70%) and an indication of how much a graduate of their course is likely to pay back (63%).