Youth marketing welcome offer

Get your introductory offer

Everyone is keeping a close eye on marketing spend, so we’ve designed new budget-friendly packages. Our youth marketing welcome pack offer means you can try our services with up to 25% off the rate card price.


Display advertising

Build brand awareness and recognition with thousands of young people

Your choice of targeted banner ads will display in strategic locations across our site.

We boost ad performance by applying our in-depth knowledge of how our audience interacts with our site. Our experts use extensive user and behavioural data to optimise creatives, formats and placement locations for your audience.


Solus email

We have the data to precision-target your audience

Send your personalised email to young people with a strong propensity for what you are offering. Because our addressable email audience is in the millions, we can custom-build a recipient list that matches your targeting criteria perfectly.

Our team can also advise you on creative so that your communications really resonate with our users, resulting in higher engagement and conversions for you.


Solus email and display

Combine brand awareness with deep engagement

Get the best of both options by opting for a display and email package. Your targeted display ads cast a wide net to capture your audience’s attention and familiarise them with your offer, then the email will target your best prospects to encourage conversions.

How we measure your campaign

We provide an end of campaign report to help you fully understand how your campaign has performed against industry and The Student Room’s own benchmarks.

We use a variety of metrics including:

  • Traffic – Click-through rates
  • Email open and click-to-open rates 
  • Pageviews and dwell time on content
  • Impressions delivered across the campaign

Interested in our welcome pack offer?

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