open days masks

Will applicants attend your university open days?

As the colder months draw in and seasonal bugs rear their ugly heads, we wondered – do students feel safe attending student recruitment events? Covid-19 levels across the country are high, prompting worries that those harmless coughs or sniffles could be something more sinister. So is this putting students off from attending open days?

We included additional questions in our October TSR Asks survey to get a snapshot of student sentiment and find out what universities can do to adapt open day events.

What teaching experience do university students want?

A new academic year has started, pandemic restrictions have lifted and university rankings have been released. After years of education disruption, 2022 applicants will be paying close attention to the experiences of the 2021 cohort and how well universities are adapting to student needs. So what should you be shouting about to stand out from your competitors?

In this blog, we share findings from our monthly student research survey (TSR Asks) and our online student polls to shed light on what 2022 applicants expect from their university teaching experience.

Year 12 students

7 things you need to know about Year 12 students

It won’t be long until the current Year 12s are making decisions about their post-18 education pathways – whether that is university, a job, an apprenticeship or something else. This September, they will be Year 13s in their final year of school.

The Student Room has around 600,000 users a month who are currently in Year 12.1 In this blog, we’ll reveal what’s on their minds so that you can adapt your communication strategy to engage and support Year 12 students.