[Tech Specs]
Below you’ll find the format and sizes of the creative you need to supply us with.
Brand Alerts
Freshers Button
- Logo (transparent .PNG, over 500px wide)
- Title, desktop – Max 45 characters including spaces
- Title, mobile – Max 25 characters including spaces
- Text for 2 or 4 bullet points – Max 40 characters including spaces per line
- Background colour (hex colour code if you have it)
- Click through link
- Phone number (optional – only shown on mobile)
Please note that on mobile, only the first two bullet points will be displayed.
Our SLA’s
Please note we require your creative at least three working days prior to the go live date to ensure these begin on the agreed start date. If any ad’s are received late, this will affect delivery and/or performance.
Upon request and providing we receive the assets early enough we can build a mock up so you can see a proof before publishing.

- Link title: up to 22 characters (incl. spaces)
- Body text: up to 70 characters
- Image: W: 90px H: 70px
- Max image file size: 35kb
- Available as: Static image (.PNG / .JPEG) ONLY
Our SLA’s
Please note we require your creative at least three working days prior to the go live date to ensure these begin on the agreed start date. If any ad’s are received late, this will affect delivery and/or performance.
Upon request and providing we receive the assets early enough we can build a mock up so you can see a proof before publishing.