Official Rep Accounts for Accommodation Providers
Find out how to make the most of this tool to engage students who are looking for properties.
You can also visit the Official Rep Lounge (login first) to access more information.

Official Rep Accounts for student accommodation providers are a useful tool to engage with young people who are making accommodation decisions.
Through interaction on site, you can gain insight into how students are thinking, feeling and behaving in relation to their accommodation choices.
Your verified Rep account gives you a trusted presence on site in which to support students and build trust in your brand.
Remember: Official Reps are an engagement tool. To effectively communicate with students, make sure posts sound human and authentic (not like adverts).

Key themes in student conversations
- Choosing the best accommodation based on individual needs
- Interest in accommodation options in the city they will be moving to (or are considering moving to)
- Moving away from home, adapting to living in a different city, meeting new people, concerns around shared accommodation
- Tenancy agreement questions or concerns, insurance questions
- Accommodation queries when studying abroad
- Dealing with more independence; cooking, cleaning etc.

Key recommendations
- Regular communication is key – keep engaging with students and offering your expert advice
- Set up Keyword alerts - get notified about relevant conversations
- Share advice relating to students' individual circumstances
- Share experiences from current or previous tenants
- Highlight the benefits and features of your accommodation (but don't oversell it)
- Explore (local) university forums to find questions about student accommodation
- Get involved in general conversations - be part of our community
- Be supportive and understanding to students, parents and carers' needs
- Show empathy, support and patience
Best Practice
Tips to build rapport, speak authentically with students and ensure your posts resonate with our audience. You can also access our Best Practice Tips for ideas on how to effectively engage with students on site.

Useful areas of the site
Explore these forums to get involved in key conversations onsite. Feel free to create new threads in the Student Accommodation forum if it’s useful and relevant information for all.
Student Accommodation Forum
University Life
List of University forums